
熱敏感商品-Rawmio, Organic Gourmet Active Superfood Raw Chocolate Bark, 1.76 oz (50 g)

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We have combined some of the world's most healing mushrooms and superfoods with stone ground raw chocolate to create a unique treat that will both excite the senses and deliver powerful medicine to the body. Submerged in our fair trade dark chocolate base you will find chaga, reishi, sprouted red clover, potent maca, mulberries and more!

Rawmio was founded on a few essential fundamentals: pure ingredients, high nutrition, and delicious flavors. What fuels and inspires us most? A true passion for chocolate specifically raw, organic, stone ground, handcrafted chocolate made with love. Our mission is to combine superior ingredients with time-tested techniques to make some of the world's most delicious treats. This is where stone grinding comes in. We utilize this ancient technique originally used to separate olive oil from the olive fruit, to gently mix and break down our chocolate ingredients into pure, silky perfection.

Rawmio, Organic Gourmet Active Superfood Raw Chocolate Bark, 1.76 oz (50 g)髮旺旺




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