Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)心得


Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)價格


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Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)商品



Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)價格



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Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)


Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)介紹

  • Balanced Diet Plan Included
  • Green Tea with Thermogenic Herbs
With Balanced Diet Plan

Thermogenesis is the body's natural process for burning off excess fat through the generation of heat. Studies have shown that certain herbal blends can synergistically assist this thermogenic response. Thermo Slim Tea is a delicious low calorie beverage that combines the well known benefits of Green Tea (provides bioflavonoids and polyphenols) with White Willow Bark, Guarana, Ginseng (Panax), Eleuthero Root, Ginger, Licorice, and Damiana. These herbs receive a catalytic boost from Cayenne to help accelerate the metabolic process and support the whole concept of "fat burning" by converting calories to heat. Thermo Slim Tea balanced tea, herbs and spices formula is further strengthened by the addition of Citrus Peel, Ascorbic Acid, Rose Hips and Acerola for extra antioxidant and Vitamin C value.

As with any effective weight loss program, Thermo Slim Tea works best when combined with a healthy eating habits and auniqlo airism系列 consistent exercise program. See the enclosed Balanced Diet Plan for nutritious meal planning tips.

Energize Yourself! Combine a Nutritious Diet, Regular Exercise and Thermo Slim Tea to Achieve Better Health and Fitness!Cinnamon Thermo Slim Tea combines antioxidant-rich Green Tea with heat producing herbs and spices that cause a thermogenic reaction by increasing metabolic activity. In effect, the body responds by not allowing excess calories to be stored as fat.

For a delicious cup of Cinnamon Thermo Slim Tea, put one tea bag into a cup, add boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes to desired strength and taste.

For best taste, Do Not Oversteep.

Drink one cup twice a day between meals for maximum benefit. Do not drink within 3-4 hours of bedtime to avoid restlessness.

Green tea, cinnamon bark, rose hips, white willow bark, ginger root, orange peel, guarana, licorice root, damiana, ginseng (panax), eleuthero root, ascorbic acid, acerola cayenne.

Caution: Seek advice from a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, or nursing, or if you have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination due to prostate enlargement, or if taking an MAO inhibitor or any other prescription drug. Reduce or discontinue use if nervousness, tremor, sleeplessness, loss of appetite or nausea occur. Not for children under 18. Keep out of reach of children.



Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)商品



Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)商品

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)特價

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)折價券

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Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)換貨

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Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)新北

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)桃園

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)新竹

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)苗栗

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)台中

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)彰化

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)南投

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)雲林

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)嘉義

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)台南

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)高雄

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Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)經銷據點

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)百貨

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)屏東

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)宜蘭

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)花蓮

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)台東

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)澎湖

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)金門

Hobe Labs, Thermo Slim Tea, Fat Burner Formula, Cinnamon, 24 Tea Bags, 1.69 oz (48 g)馬祖


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